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Space Efficient Storage

Built based on content-defined chunking to increase speed and safety, each file is split into a number of variable length chunks. A cryptographically strong hash is used in all the chunks, no matter whether they come from different machines, from previous backups, from the same backup or even from the same single file.

Critical Performance Speed

Performance-critical code (chunking, compression, encryption) is implemented in local caching of files/chunks index data quick detection of unmodified files.

Data Encryption

All data is fully protected using strong military grade encryption, data integrity and authenticity is verified involving a cryptographic hash function and a secret cryptographic key. Data is encrypted clientside. We actively obfuscate all data to make fingerprinting attacks more difficult.

Off-site Backups

CryptoVault stores data on our managed remote hosts accessible over SSH. When installed on the remote host, big performance gains can be achieved compared to using a network filesystem. Backup archives are kept under constant monitoring for easy interactive backup examination and restores. Crypto Vault operates independently and does not require installing anything.